The Egg / Trailer
Completed October 20th, 2007
Compile a movie trailer based on an epic adventure starring an egg. It could be funny, action, drama, sci fi, anything you want.

"oh man, i would totally have a 3 way with that girl and that egg!!! j/k/ maybe that egg and the pizza, tho. haha. great trailer, guys!!!"

Avatar Jeremy
Peoria, IL
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Description: "What happens when a man finds an egg? Then the egg and himself becomes BFFs? Find out now..."

Submitted: October 1st, 2007

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The EGG Worldly War IV^2"

by Operation: KillDie Productions

Genre: Trailer

Operation: KillDie Productions257
Indy Mogul217
Miguelito Productions161
FletchyFletch Films37
Futuresphere Pictures Lmd25
Quizibuck Films7

The EGG Worldly War IV^

by Operation: KillDie Productions

First to count all the Wilhelm Screams wins...something! The epic story of Military Carton of Egg...

7 reviews
257 votes

Smack Talk!


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