Special Delivery / Thriller
Completed May 30th, 2009
Create a thriller film in which the main character is presented with a "special delivery" he wasn't expecting. Thrill us and include a good action sequence for bonus points!

"btw, i reviewed you guys in the forums. i really liked this movie, though. it was my vote for the week. hope you compete again when we have a movie in the mix." read replies

Avatar Jeremy
Peoria, IL
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Description: "Bobbie Dim doesn't quite live alone, doesn't quite know the difference between right and wrong, and his special delivery isn't quite what he was expecting."

Submitted: April 15th, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Special Delivery"

by Hippojuicefilm

Genre: Thriller

Jalapeno Films194
Sometimes Funny101
Prestige Cinema Productions26

Special Delivery

by Hippojuicefilm

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