Special Delivery / Thriller
Completed May 30th, 2009
Create a thriller film in which the main character is presented with a "special delivery" he wasn't expecting. Thrill us and include a good action sequence for bonus points!

"Lot of nice shots guys. I like the shot from the tires with the antagonist inbetween. Buff dude. Nice sunset and funny ending. I always confuse cash with dum dums. I would of like to have seen closer shots of the fight scene. Felt like I missed cool stuff cause i couldn't see some of them, not all of them just som..." read more

Avatar hippojuicefilm
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Description: "A hit man hired to deliver a beat down on a man and take his bag of cash is thwarted when the bag man doesn't go down without a fight. It's a non-stop, action packed, thrill ride as the two battle for possession of the bag using martial arts and parkour. "

Submitted: April 15th, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Special Delivery"

by Hippojuicefilm

Genre: Thriller

Jalapeno Films194
Sometimes Funny101
Prestige Cinema Productions26

Special Delivery

by Hippojuicefilm

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15 reviews
228 votes

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