Monster Mishaps / Halloween (Mini-fight)
Completed October 31st, 2009
All these films are about the troubles of being a monster! They were limited to no longer than 30 seconds.

"Wow I am really impressed with how the last two (you and SF) used all 30 seconds - like a sylablle spoken at the very last second. I LOVE what cashew stands for -- that is creative. Your audio came off flawless. Good use of the screen to convey the message. Lighting coulda been a bit better on the vampire... t..." read more

Avatar HLR II
Muskegon, MI
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Description: "What if a group of community organizers like A.C.O.R.N. existed in a medieval fantasy universe?"

Submitted: October 24th, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The VAIDS"

by Sometimes Funny

Genre: Halloween (Mini-fight)

Sometimes Funny34
Synaptic TV17
Glossy Finish Pictures7
The Cove Shorts6
Procoverage Studio2


by Sometimes Funny

A routine checkup at the Monster Hospital turns tragic for a young vampire.

16 reviews
34 votes

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