Monster Mishaps / Halloween (Mini-fight)
Completed October 31st, 2009
All these films are about the troubles of being a monster! They were limited to no longer than 30 seconds.

"I liked this. It made me giggle. I was going to say you stayed on the one shot way too long... but really that's all you needed was that shot to get the message across. You could really benefit from lighting here to help the video be less grainy. That's the only problem i saw. Nice to see you submitting wor..." read more

Avatar HLR II
Muskegon, MI
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Description: "Uuurrrrrggggghhhh!"

Submitted: October 25th, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The VAIDS"

by Sometimes Funny

Genre: Halloween (Mini-fight)

Sometimes Funny34
Synaptic TV17
Glossy Finish Pictures7
The Cove Shorts6
Procoverage Studio2


by Sometimes Funny

A routine checkup at the Monster Hospital turns tragic for a young vampire.

16 reviews
34 votes

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