Bad Trip / Montage
Completed March 14th, 2010
Must include a short montage. Could be a bad trip to the supermarket, a bad vacation, or bad acid (hallucinogen) trip, or whatever else you come up with! (fight submitted by Jeremy Duncan)

"Wicked FX on this! The audio being all fuzzed out kinda killed it though..."

Avatar RedhandStudios
Bend, OR
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Description: "Kid takes drugs, then wishes he hadn't."

Submitted: February 16th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Bad Trip"

by Skitzo Studios

Genre: Montage

Skitzo Studios29

Bad Trip

by Skitzo Studios

Arnold Shortsisbigger and Sean Ornery star in this story of a trip to an evil planet

8 reviews
29 votes

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