Bad Trip / Montage
Completed March 14th, 2010
Must include a short montage. Could be a bad trip to the supermarket, a bad vacation, or bad acid (hallucinogen) trip, or whatever else you come up with! (fight submitted by Jeremy Duncan)

"I liked the beginning of this a bunch...once we got to the annoying squeaky voiced imaginary friend I lost it. Couldn't understand much of what he was saying at that point, and kind of wanted to throw a large bowling ball at him to boot..." read replies

Avatar RedhandStudios
Bend, OR
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Description: "When a deadline is approaching, coffee overloads and hallucinations are inevitable."

Submitted: March 2nd, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Bad Trip"

by Skitzo Studios

Genre: Montage

Skitzo Studios29

Bad Trip

by Skitzo Studios

Arnold Shortsisbigger and Sean Ornery star in this story of a trip to an evil planet

8 reviews
29 votes

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