Kick-Ass / Kicking of Asses!
Completed April 30th, 2010
One rule. Your films must include someone being kicked in the ass. I know you all have asses and feet. This will be insane.

"I think this would have worked it color, it looks a lot like a trailer though, there's no story really, just killing zombies. Work on story, shot composition is good tho."

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Description: "Just when you thought it was safe to use the restroom..."

Submitted: April 15th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Operation: Kick Ass"

by Immortal Dog Productions

Genre: Kicking of Asses!

Immortal Dog Productions73
Sometimes Funny19
Compañeros Productions15

Operation: Kick Ass

by Immortal Dog Productions

Sometimes kicking ass requires a COORDINATED PRECISION STRIKE!

16 reviews
73 votes

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