"This reminds me slightly of the snl skit "people getting punched before eating". And if it were more like that skit this would be awesome. The music here plays a distinct role in the mood, and the mood is romantic... it works a little but not enough. Needs work."

Description: "Two people have a contest to see who can kick the other in the ass the most - who will win???"
Submitted: April 9th, 2010

Operation: Kick Ass
by Immortal Dog Productions
Sometimes kicking ass requires a COORDINATED PRECISION STRIKE!
10,555 views16 reviews73 votes

An excited filmmaker gets a kick in the ass.
5,213 views17 reviews39 votes

La Donation
by EmmerekEntertainment
Share the wealth, Emmerek and Johnny
5,376 views16 reviews31 votes

April Fools
by K-Blamn
A series of events has an unfortunate ending ...
5,173 views11 reviews30 votes

by Sometimes Funny
One day a year, commuting turns painful for a man who cares only about himself.
4,995 views12 reviews19 votes

The Chase
by Compañeros Productions
An intense chase ensues between two individuals whose motives are at first unknown.
4,853 views8 reviews15 votes

by IDFUN Productions
Just when you thought it was safe to use the restroom...
5,593 views12 reviews15 votes

You Will Survive
by Volatile Productions
Someone's a cop - someone's about to commit suicide - and someone's about to get kicked in the ASS!
3355 views5 reviews37 votes00:33

by fatvideos
It's a game of rock paper scissors - loser gets kicked in the butt.
2840 views5 reviews33 votes00:31

by LACK of Interest
A Shamwow-esque commercial spoof. We had 2 days to film and edit, this is our first entry too.
2351 views7 reviews27 votes00:30

Balcony Jumper
by mariesoko
Cop breaks up a party. How to get out? Jump over the balcony.
2455 views5 reviews16 votes00:31

Hunger Strike!
by Torched Entertainment
When three hungry teenagers discover there is a fresh pizza upstairs violence ensues.
2208 views5 reviews16 votes00:31

One Who Knew Too Much
by EvilAppleProductions
Ok the video is sort of like a trailer. I had to cut large segments out to bring it within the time
2,372 views5 reviews12 votes

Legolibrium 3
by Royal Brick Studios
From the Popular Film 'Equilibrium' Comes Legolibrium Three, and as a bonus some ass kickin'!
2,230 views4 reviews9 votes

Pain in the Ass
by Flipper Babies
Boyfriends are such a pain aren't they? MORE videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/Badger2theFace
2,248 views2 reviews7 votes

Don't Mess with Nerds
by The Mighty Film Fighters
This is one very good reason why not to mess with nerds.
2,226 views4 reviews5 votes

Kick, Shoot, Dead
by JohnnieKelleyFilms
A film by: Johnnie Kelley This was a very basic video and not a good one, but its practice.
2,367 views3 reviews4 votes

How to kick an ass
by HoneyComb Productions
Watch it and you will know what it is about.
2,456 views3 reviews4 votes

Butt Busters
by Okay, so...
An infomercial featuring Butt Busters services.
2,180 views1 reviews3 votes

by Spielberg aint' got nothinONTHIS
Kid walking home after school suddenly realizes that in the dark bullies are out.... not so smart XD
2,225 views3 reviews2 votes

Anger Management
by Dos Amigos Productions
A man gets punched and loses his gum which makes him forget his anger management training.
2,453 views3 reviews2 votes

by Vishal Singh Films
What compromise could ever be found in such a violent situation?
2,155 views5 reviews2 votes

The unexpected ending
by Cj Studios
What will happen in the end? well its obviously unexpected so what to find out!
2,394 views3 reviews1 votes

Go Kart
by Bad Ace Comics
This kid don't play around when it comes to his Go Kart.
2,231 views4 reviews1 votes

Kick Stop
by Icamrea productions
In a bank robbery a banker defeats the robber by stopping time.
2,637 views5 reviews1 votes

by Wolf Shadow Produtions
Two people have a contest to see who can kick the other in the ass the most - who will win???
2,138 views4 reviews0 votes

Dont Drink My Soda!
by Gus mans films
Now you know what happens when you drink someone's soda!
2,009 views5 reviews0 votes

by Immortal Dog Productions
Genre: Kicking of Asses!
Group | Votes |
Immortal Dog Productions | 73 |
EmmerekEntertainment | 31 |
K-Blamn | 30 |
Sometimes Funny | 19 |
Compañeros Productions | 15 |
Operation: Kick Ass
by Immortal Dog Productions
Sometimes kicking ass requires a COORDINATED PRECISION STRIKE!
10,555 views16 reviews73 votes