Grindhouse Trailer / Grindhouse
Completed September 14th, 2010
Make a B-Movie/Grindhouse stylized trailer. Go all out-Swamp Monsters, Nazi Werewolves, Gallons o'Blood-everything's fair game. Must be 1:30, no longer.

"Hshaha rockin out killer. Man you stabbed the shit out of that pillow! Irish cowboy is fantastic as well as the woman screaming in the beginning. The shots of the hooded killer are so AWFUL but hysterical! He's great. Man, that sums up this piece for me. It's got some real plain shots but it's overall extremely en..." read more

Avatar OutlawPictures
Philadelphia, PA
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Description: "A religous war with Chainsaws, gore, a hot babe, and an Irish cowboy. What more could you want?"

Submitted: August 20th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Out-Law"

by filmyguy fun group

Genre: Grindhouse

filmyguy fun group56
Honeymoon Panic38
MudCat Productions30
IDFUN Productions29
Warrior Pictures26
-Xzkape Productions18


by filmyguy fun group

Grindhouse and Lego, an amazing combination.

12 reviews
56 votes

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