Grindhouse Trailer / Grindhouse
Completed September 14th, 2010
Make a B-Movie/Grindhouse stylized trailer. Go all out-Swamp Monsters, Nazi Werewolves, Gallons o'Blood-everything's fair game. Must be 1:30, no longer.

"Wow that's freakin' awesome, a hell of a lot of work gone into this. Such a shame it's been entered so late or I'm sure it would have been a clear winner. Now I just need to find out where to watch the uncensored version ;-) "

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Description: "A newlywed Japanese couple on their Australian honeymoon are about to witness their worst nightmare!"

Submitted: September 7th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Out-Law"

by filmyguy fun group

Genre: Grindhouse

filmyguy fun group56
Honeymoon Panic38
MudCat Productions30
IDFUN Productions29
Warrior Pictures26
-Xzkape Productions18


by filmyguy fun group

Grindhouse and Lego, an amazing combination.

12 reviews
56 votes

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