Homage / Any
Completed December 17th, 2010
Use your favorite song lyric as the opening line of your film! Cite the song in your description.

"Very nice i Had a good laugh. I like the Shots you did with that I Do my movies sometimes all by myself and sometimes I have to think of ways to do moving shots and i have to carry the camera by hand its fun so just a little tip for you since I think you did this all by your self witch I respect making it to midd..." read more

Avatar Powelltowel
Worthington Hills, KY
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Description: "Max has to get the guts to call the girl he loves...Jenny. (867-5309)"

Submitted: November 30th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Listen"

by -Xzkape Productions

Genre: Any

-Xzkape Productions27
Dream Vision Films14


by -Xzkape Productions

"Do you want to know a secret" by the Beatles are the opening lines to this quirky misadventure.

6 reviews
27 votes

Smack Talk!


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