Homage / Any
Completed December 17th, 2010
Use your favorite song lyric as the opening line of your film! Cite the song in your description.

"The shots were decently composed, but the handheld shots were so shakey as to be distracting. While the shots were good, and the dark nature was shown well...I have NO IDEA what I just watched. Confusing is to put it mildly. Overall I'd give it a B grade for technical and a C grade for story content not being co..." read more

Avatar RedhandStudios
Bend, OR
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Description: "Joanna Newsom- Peach, Plum, Pear"

Submitted: December 2nd, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Listen"

by -Xzkape Productions

Genre: Any

-Xzkape Productions27
Dream Vision Films14


by -Xzkape Productions

"Do you want to know a secret" by the Beatles are the opening lines to this quirky misadventure.

6 reviews
27 votes

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