The Sock Thriller / Thriller
Completed March 6th, 2011
Very simple. Make a short Thriller film using thriller-style techniques (tense moments, scary music). Somehow include SOCKS into your film in an obvious or important way!

"The main actor is awesome...very believable in this part...the brother really does have a bad taste in music though...needed to explain why the sock was hard...knife inside, starch, something spilled on it...other then that I liked it..."

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "Turn it down! The music is too loud when two brothers are doing homework."

Submitted: February 6th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "White Sock Directive"

by Hey Killer Productions

Genre: Thriller

Hey Killer Productions77
Apsis Motion Pictures67

White Sock Directive

by Hey Killer Productions

Senator Sally Jenkins hires a mercenary to take down a non-white-sock smuggling ring.

9 reviews
77 votes

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