The Sock Thriller / Thriller
Completed March 6th, 2011
Very simple. Make a short Thriller film using thriller-style techniques (tense moments, scary music). Somehow include SOCKS into your film in an obvious or important way!

"The male actor was a bit to much...creepy at first...like a weird Vincent D'Onofrio character...liked the story though..."

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "When a lunatic with a sock fetish abducts a young woman, Grace is not as innocent as she looks. "

Submitted: February 12th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "White Sock Directive"

by Hey Killer Productions

Genre: Thriller

Hey Killer Productions77
Apsis Motion Pictures67

White Sock Directive

by Hey Killer Productions

Senator Sally Jenkins hires a mercenary to take down a non-white-sock smuggling ring.

9 reviews
77 votes

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