Lightsaber / Any
Completed February 5th, 2012
Create a short film in which a lightsaber is used in a way BESIDES fighting. Imagine a world where lightsabers are as prevalent as a pair of scissors.

"oooooooooooook, and where is the lightsaber? "

Avatar clonemagicfilms
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Description: "A new shortfilm 'Bacteria' directed,edited & acted by me (Ignace Aleya)"

Submitted: January 9th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Bright Side of The Force"

by Piggs Productions

Genre: Any

Piggs Productions28
Two Guys and a Camera Films18
Douglas Scott Films8
Hayashi ninja3
Jesse Gilbert Films2

Bright Side of The Forc

by Piggs Productions

Lightsabers have a whole new purpose...

6 reviews
28 votes

Smack Talk!


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