Lightsaber / Any
Completed February 5th, 2012
Create a short film in which a lightsaber is used in a way BESIDES fighting. Imagine a world where lightsabers are as prevalent as a pair of scissors.

"I love the reveal of the tic-tac-toe game, and also your physical comedy (which is always good) when you cross the X's. The first shot of the limbo scene is well blocked, but too blurry, like it was on auto-focus. Also, the last gag where you lean on the lightsaber could've been framed better, so it's more clear..." read more

Avatar Sam
Keokuk, Iowa
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Description: "The Lightsaber Limbo centers around a few things you can do with a lightsaber that don't involve fighting. Casualties ensue."

Submitted: January 15th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Bright Side of The Force"

by Piggs Productions

Genre: Any

Piggs Productions28
Two Guys and a Camera Films18
Douglas Scott Films8
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Bright Side of The Forc

by Piggs Productions

Lightsabers have a whole new purpose...

6 reviews
28 votes

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