Fortune Cookie / Any
Completed March 3rd, 2013
Order Chinese food...enjoy the MSG...open the fortune cookie...use the fortune as inspiration for your film!!!

"Thanks for the entry! Pretty good acting. Had some weird sports in the editing - like weird black frames. Gotta work on cleaning those up. What was the full fortune? Also, you should edit your audio a little better - make sure it doesn't cut out so soon. I like the kid at the end a lot!!!! keep it up guys!"

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "Some Misunderstandings ....."

Submitted: February 15th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Become A Storm Trooper!!"

by Blackpikepictures

Genre: Any

Fiery Stuff6
Owl Media5

Become A Storm Trooper!

by Blackpikepictures

After reading a fortune cookie message that read "You will get that job you want" being a Storm T...

3 reviews
7 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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