Fortune Cookie / Any
Completed March 3rd, 2013
Order Chinese food...enjoy the MSG...open the fortune cookie...use the fortune as inspiration for your film!!!

"I couldn't really understand the narration :( It was kind of muddy. I think Lego animation is neat, but the format doesn't really lend itself to film critique. Overall I would work on your audio, and maybe pick a better font! :)"

Avatar Griff
Cape Cod MA.
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Description: "After reading a fortune cookie message that read "You will get that job you want" being a Storm Trooper came to mind. "

Submitted: February 17th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Become A Storm Trooper!!"

by Blackpikepictures

Genre: Any

Fiery Stuff6
Owl Media5

Become A Storm Trooper!

by Blackpikepictures

After reading a fortune cookie message that read "You will get that job you want" being a Storm T...

3 reviews
7 votes

Smack Talk!


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Thank you to all my amazing friends who always support me in all that I do.