Worst. Trailer. Ever. / Trailer
Completed May 5th, 2013
Make a fake trailer for the most terrible film ever. Winner of this fight gets $100 gift code to use for professional voiceover at VoiceBunny.com!!!

"Really nice voice over. Is it bad to ask how you did it? Haha cause it was spot on..." read replies

Avatar Matthew Talamantes
Glendale, CA
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Description: "The intriguing adventure of one pie as it journeys threw the frightful kitchen and on to a pie."

Submitted: April 7th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Home Without, Marleqta"

by Griffinity

Genre: Trailer

3 Or Less Productions111
The Phantom Monk26
Division Digital14
Synaptic TV11

Home Without, Marleqta

by Griffinity

A seriously serious indie film, by two guys who just attended SXSW Film Fest!

12 reviews
128 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb Opposites Attract

Emotion where emotion does not exist. -Brad www.ninja-vanish.com

Thumb The Halloween Party

A true rivalry never dies, especially when it's based on Halloween costumes.

Thumb The Guardian

The film is based off an old short for a Cable Access show called Shonklers.