Worst. Trailer. Ever. / Trailer
Completed May 5th, 2013
Make a fake trailer for the most terrible film ever. Winner of this fight gets $100 gift code to use for professional voiceover at VoiceBunny.com!!!

"I really liked this one...some shots were a bit dark and it felt a bit to quick paced up through :35...love the line "if the shoe fits" hahaha " read replies

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "When socks disappear in the laundry, they escape to Sockland."

Submitted: April 21st, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Home Without, Marleqta"

by Griffinity

Genre: Trailer

3 Or Less Productions111
The Phantom Monk26
Division Digital14
Synaptic TV11

Home Without, Marleqta

by Griffinity

A seriously serious indie film, by two guys who just attended SXSW Film Fest!

12 reviews
128 votes

Smack Talk!


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