End of the World Haiku / Haiku
Completed July 28th, 2013
Create an "End of the World" themed VIDEO HAIKU! A zombie apocalypse? A deadly contagion? You decide! A video haiku is a 3 shot film. 1st shot is 5 sec, next shot is 7 sec, final shot is 5 seconds.

""Must include FF intro" :("

Avatar RedhandStudios
Bend, OR
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Description: "This is a 10 Min Video showing the End of the world"

Submitted: June 27th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Apocalypse Haiku"

by Auld Reekie Media

Genre: Haiku

Auld Reekie Media22
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Apocalypse Haiku

by Auld Reekie Media

The end is coming, but, you'll never guess the cause of said end.

8 reviews
22 votes

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