End of the World Haiku / Haiku
Completed July 28th, 2013
Create an "End of the World" themed VIDEO HAIKU! A zombie apocalypse? A deadly contagion? You decide! A video haiku is a 3 shot film. 1st shot is 5 sec, next shot is 7 sec, final shot is 5 seconds.

"Out of all the contenders...I think I like this one the best. :) "

Avatar RedhandStudios
Bend, OR
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Description: "I'm ready to go."

Submitted: July 4th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Apocalypse Haiku"

by Auld Reekie Media

Genre: Haiku

Auld Reekie Media22
Storm Front Reno13
The Phantom Monk12
Sophisticated Ape Inc6
1080 People3

Apocalypse Haiku

by Auld Reekie Media

The end is coming, but, you'll never guess the cause of said end.

8 reviews
22 votes

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