If These Walls Could Talk / Any
Completed February 2nd, 2014
There's a famous saying that "if walls could talk," they'd spill all the secrets. Find a wall and give it a voice. Maybe it witnessed a murder or saw two people fall in love. Use voice over narration.

"Your script was great, really funny, I loved the interrogation idea and the hands were very expressive. The problem is your shots are disorientating, cutting from the upright shot of the wall to an above shot of the hands didn't give you any indication of where they were in relation to each other. If the view of t..." read more

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Description: "A wall was in the wrong place at the wrong time and now a cop is grilling him for answers."

Submitted: January 6th, 2014

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Give Me A Voice"

by Loose Tie Films

Genre: Any

Loose Tie Films16
Jumping Zebra3

Give Me A Voice

by Loose Tie Films

"Give me a voice, and I will give you a name of the man who killed poor Jennifer Cain."

2 reviews
16 votes

Smack Talk!


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