If These Walls Could Talk / Any
Completed February 2nd, 2014
There's a famous saying that "if walls could talk," they'd spill all the secrets. Find a wall and give it a voice. Maybe it witnessed a murder or saw two people fall in love. Use voice over narration.

"I know you've seen my review on FFTV, great job and good luck!"

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Description: ""Give me a voice, and I will give you a name of the man who killed poor Jennifer Cain.""

Submitted: January 16th, 2014

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Give Me A Voice"

by Loose Tie Films

Genre: Any

Loose Tie Films16
Jumping Zebra3

Give Me A Voice

by Loose Tie Films

"Give me a voice, and I will give you a name of the man who killed poor Jennifer Cain."

2 reviews
16 votes

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