Lower Your Voice / Any
Completed May 4th, 2014
All the characters in the film must talk very quietly through out the film.

"Good job on the visual and sound effect, although I felt some of the muzzle flashes were a little big! Watch out for camera noise in you audio and I feel you missed the point of the 'Lower Your Voice' theme, it's not enough just to lower the dialogue they needed to be whispering. This was a lot of fun to watch and..." read more

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Description: "Why are they yelling so quietly?"

Submitted: April 6th, 2014

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Freedom of Expression"

by The Smash Standard

Genre: Any

The Smash Standard32
SuperHuman Studios4

Freedom of Expression

by The Smash Standard

Two idiots discuss the finer points of the Constitution. Made for Filmfights.com's "Lower Your Vo...

2 reviews
32 votes

Smack Talk!


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