Lower Your Voice / Any
Completed May 4th, 2014
All the characters in the film must talk very quietly through out the film.

"Awesome job guys great idea, acting and compositing! Nice variety of shots and I love that your last entry is the film being shown on the screen. It had me laughing, keep up the good work!"

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Description: "Two idiots discuss the finer points of the Constitution. Made for Filmfights.com's "Lower Your Voice" competition."

Submitted: April 14th, 2014

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Freedom of Expression"

by The Smash Standard

Genre: Any

The Smash Standard32
SuperHuman Studios4

Freedom of Expression

by The Smash Standard

Two idiots discuss the finer points of the Constitution. Made for Filmfights.com's "Lower Your Vo...

2 reviews
32 votes

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