The Puppet That Came Back / Horror
Completed November 15th, 2016
We all know puppets are nothing without a hand up their...you-know-what...but what happens when a once discarded felt friend returns? How does it get it's vengeance? Title by n81127

"Love the concept and the thrifty cuts. Would have liked to see more at the beginning, details about the show and why the puppet was thrown away. Also, and I have trouble with this too, the audio was really hard to hear. Did the puppet come back because it missed you or because it wanted revenge? Wasn't sure."

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Description: "When childish things come back for you. "

Submitted: October 29th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Childish Things"

by The Phantom Monk

Genre: Horror

The Phantom Monk25
Film Club21
firerose production3

Childish Things

by The Phantom Monk

It's time to put away childish things!

4 reviews
25 votes

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