The Puppet That Came Back / Horror
Completed November 15th, 2016
We all know puppets are nothing without a hand up their...you-know-what...but what happens when a once discarded felt friend returns? How does it get it's vengeance? Title by n81127

"I agree. I am still trying to figure out animation. To keep everything simple, I run everything at 8fps and don't pre-plan very much. Right now it is just me playing around on my ipad. It will get better in the future."

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Description: "The Juggling Clown Puppet Show has been cancelled. Is this the last we will see of the Juggling Clown Puppet? "

Submitted: November 1st, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Childish Things"

by The Phantom Monk

Genre: Horror

The Phantom Monk25
Film Club21
firerose production3

Childish Things

by The Phantom Monk

It's time to put away childish things!

4 reviews
25 votes

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