"Nice! I like how creepy the rug became. Also like seeing the spooky smudges and stuff on the rug monster's skin. Would have been cool to see you push it even further. Big thing missing here is lots of little spooky sound effects for the rug monster! Especially the sounds of them grabbing the popcorn and all that -..." read more

Description: "A home buyer suddenly realizes she is not the only one living in her new house."
Submitted: February 19th, 2017

Just After Chapter 13
by Kaatz101
IJust after finishing chapter 13 book a man is spooked by a mysterious moise. He thinks it's probably just mice. Is he wrong?
1338 views4 reviews8 votes00:49

The Thing Under The Rug
by Me Myself and I
I assure you, no music or soundbytes are copyrighted.
1402 views1 reviews5 votes01:08

Lake Side Crossing
by Groundhog
A father and his son go walking. What you see is something you never forget.
1102 views2 reviews3 votes01:07

by TriRiot
Genre: Suspense
Group | Votes |
TriRiot | 10 |
CSHM Film Club | 9 |
House Guest
by TriRiot
A home buyer suddenly realizes she is not the only one living in her new house.
12,312 views2 reviews10 votes