Under the Rug / Suspense
Completed March 5th, 2017
Explain what's under the rug. Do your characters discover a portal, creepy creatures, or are they just being paranoid? Suggested by Micah Todd.

"Nice! I like how creepy the rug became. Also like seeing the spooky smudges and stuff on the rug monster's skin. Would have been cool to see you push it even further. Big thing missing here is lots of little spooky sound effects for the rug monster! Especially the sounds of them grabbing the popcorn and all that -..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "A home buyer suddenly realizes she is not the only one living in her new house."

Submitted: February 19th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "House Guest"

by TriRiot

Genre: Suspense

CSHM Film Club9

House Guest

by TriRiot

A home buyer suddenly realizes she is not the only one living in her new house.

2 reviews
10 votes

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