Under the Rug / Suspense
Completed March 5th, 2017
Explain what's under the rug. Do your characters discover a portal, creepy creatures, or are they just being paranoid? Suggested by Micah Todd.

"Hey there! Kind of weird that we don't see the front of the characters for a while - always good to show us their faces right away - the audio is pretty good considering - I like that you're using a lav or something like it. The acting isn't too bad. Just gotta watch the background audio and the speaking audio - i..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "A father and his son go walking. What you see is something you never forget."

Submitted: February 19th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "House Guest"

by TriRiot

Genre: Suspense

CSHM Film Club9

House Guest

by TriRiot

A home buyer suddenly realizes she is not the only one living in her new house.

2 reviews
10 votes

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