Stranger Comes to Town / Suspense
Completed April 2nd, 2017
Original winner Griffinity. Someone out of the ordinary shows up unannounced. How will the regular folks react to this intrusion?

"This was interesting but the rules stated it had to be a person. Regardless, I would have liked to see what the noise was , and why the guy fell over at the end. Keep submitting Jyquan!"

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "A Film about sound that are Unknown."

Submitted: January 29th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Laid to Rest "

by CTM

Genre: Suspense

Poorly Animated Cartoon Violence2

Laid to Rest

by CTM

A daughter comes to lay her mother to rest in a town that she hasn't visited since she was a infa...

2 reviews
3 votes

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