Stranger Comes to Town / Suspense
Completed April 2nd, 2017
Original winner Griffinity. Someone out of the ordinary shows up unannounced. How will the regular folks react to this intrusion?
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"Nice. I liked the depth of field as she looks over the construction site. I agree with deadstrange's comment on the audio. Could use a little work there. Also, there was no context as to who the girl was or what she was doing there. But left up to me, I'd say she was a ghost of the person buried under the c..." read more

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Description: "A daughter comes to lay her mother to rest in a town that she hasn't visited since she was a infant. "

Submitted: March 10th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Laid to Rest "

by CTM

Genre: Suspense

Poorly Animated Cartoon Violence2

Laid to Rest

by CTM

A daughter comes to lay her mother to rest in a town that she hasn't visited since she was a infa...

2 reviews
3 votes

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