No. 2 Pencil / Any
Completed July 16th, 2017
Your short opens with someone tapping a No. 2 pencil on a desk/table/counter etc and ends with the pencil falling on the ground. What's happens in-between is up to you!

"The slo-mo at the beginning went on a bit too long. Not really sure what was happening when the one guy came into the room. Looks like you had fun though!"

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "Kids in one school, one boring classroom and a war breaks out "

Submitted: May 31st, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Pencil Pusher"

by Rockfish films

Genre: Any

Rockfish films19
No Permit Productions5

Pencil Pusher

by Rockfish films

An escape adventure

1 reviews
19 votes

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