No. 2 Pencil / Any
Completed July 16th, 2017
Your short opens with someone tapping a No. 2 pencil on a desk/table/counter etc and ends with the pencil falling on the ground. What's happens in-between is up to you!

"This came out funny. Although, not sure why she found the tongs and then tried to leave. Wouldn't she try to leave, then go back in and find the tongs?"

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "Enjoy a good crossword while TCB? Beware and mind your pencil lest it end up in the potty. "

Submitted: June 21st, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Pencil Pusher"

by Rockfish films

Genre: Any

Rockfish films19
No Permit Productions5

Pencil Pusher

by Rockfish films

An escape adventure

1 reviews
19 votes

Smack Talk!


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