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Description: "Thank you everyone who voted for us. This was a very good week for film fights, all the entries were awesome, seriusly. But there's not much to say about movies, so I'm going to fill this telling everyone about the injustices in Tibet. The people of Tibet are seriusly screwed, thanks to the Chinese, who make it their goal to slaughter them on a regular basis. Poor Tibet. Let's all Free Tibet. There are things you can do to help free Tibet. There are rally's you can attend, some of you may have already, and I thank you. FREE TIBET! -Greg P.S. Half Past One coming soon!"
Submitted: February 10th, 2004

Don't Mind Me
by CPP
Thank you everyone who voted for us. This was a very good week for film fights, all the entries w...
9,444 views0 reviews43 votes

by CPP
Genre: Surreal
Group | Votes |
CPP | 43 |
Griffinity | 43 |
Ampsonic Productions | 30 |
Revolution Films | 26 |
Don't Mind Me
by CPP
Thank you everyone who voted for us. This was a very good week for film fights, all the entries w...
9,443 views0 reviews43 votes