Fractured Dreams / Surreal
Completed March 1st, 2004
Create a surreal film that has dreaming in it,

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Description: "Griffin: In a man’s life, there comes a time when he wins FilmFights... and then there’s that crap time when it’s a tie! But, Amir and I, as well as CPP, have all felt the champion glory before, so I guess this ain’t so bad. I just want to thank everyone who puts so much of his or her life into this site. You’re beautiful. Take over, Amir: Amir: Thanks it was cool to tie. Peace out boyeeeee!"

Submitted: February 10th, 2004

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Don't Mind Me"

by CPP

Genre: Surreal

Ampsonic Productions30
Revolution Films26

Don't Mind Me

by CPP

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0 reviews
43 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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Emotion where emotion does not exist. -Brad www.ninja-vanish.com

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This bitch'in film has a puppet, mustaches, vampires, and a Gypsy!! So flipp'in ...

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