The Nightmare / Horror,Thriller
Completed February 12th, 2006
. This movie must be based on an actual nightmare that you've had at some point. Not like "Character wakes up and OMG it was all a dream!" but an actual re-enactment of a terrifying dream.

"Not sure if I know what happened or is happening. I do like the visuals and music though. Also I think the pacing is nice and quick. Interesting work. Keep it up."

Avatar PatrickDonovan
Central PA
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Description: "A dreamer wakes from her nightmare only to find that she is still in the dream after all. . .If you don't wake up before you die in your dream, will you die in real life? Thanks, Gabrielle, Aaron, Cara and Nick for helping me out with both acting and creative choices, and thanks Mike for editing! Hope you enjoy it. -- From Cate Caldwell, aka Brax "

Submitted: January 30th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Lost"

by midget pickle

Genre: Horror,Thriller

midget pickle95
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White Smoke Films71
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The Lost

by midget pickle

Synopsis: Lost in a cornfield, chased by its guardian.

13 reviews
95 votes

Smack Talk!


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Hall Of Fame
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