The Nightmare / Horror,Thriller
Completed February 12th, 2006
. This movie must be based on an actual nightmare that you've had at some point. Not like "Character wakes up and OMG it was all a dream!" but an actual re-enactment of a terrifying dream.

"Im going to be blunt, this is too much of a rip off of 12 ounce mouse. And I hate 12 ounce mouse. The animation wasn't even as stripped down as the content."

Avatar Rastus
Minnesota, USA
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Description: "Phil sacrifices a lamb to Allah. www.onryeLTD.com for more videos!!"

Submitted: February 1st, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Lost"

by midget pickle

Genre: Horror,Thriller

midget pickle95
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The Lost

by midget pickle

Synopsis: Lost in a cornfield, chased by its guardian.

13 reviews
95 votes

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