Valentine's Day / Open
Completed February 21st, 2006
Valentine's Day! LOVE and ROMANCE and MOUTH KISSING. Puhhlleease! Time to mix it up. Make a Valentine's Day movie using an unconventional genre - like science fiction, mystery, or even HORROR! Any genre goes.

"Really felt like I was watching a show, and upon further investigation at the domain of a one Walt Smeggin...I found this feeling to be backed by evidence of a somewhat irregular series. The acting was pretty good, reminded me of Kids in the Hall type stuff. When Don goes to get the Valentine's Day gift though, I ..." read more

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Bayville, New Jersey
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Description: "(NOT SAFE FOR WORK) Don and Murph wacky crazy twisted Valentines Day show."

Submitted: February 11th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Cupid: Biography"

by RalFilm

Genre: Open

Don and Murph55
TKD Media52
steve nelson20
Penny Dog Productions5

Cupid: Biography

by RalFilm

For centuries, millions have felt the sting of Cupid's arrows, but few know the man behind the l...

9 reviews
86 votes

Smack Talk!


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