Valentine's Day / Open
Completed February 21st, 2006
Valentine's Day! LOVE and ROMANCE and MOUTH KISSING. Puhhlleease! Time to mix it up. Make a Valentine's Day movie using an unconventional genre - like science fiction, mystery, or even HORROR! Any genre goes.

"CHOO CHOO I love the train in the background drowning out the voices. Not really. I can't tell if you guys were really serious with this film, or if you realize how absurd and bad it is and just played it up for laughs. I'm not sure what I can say that will help you guys out, so I'll just end my review he..." read more

Avatar AKLPhilo
Detroit, MI
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Description: "This is a film about barbie's ex-boyfriend finds out about a new boyfriend barbie has and becomes jealous and wants revenge. Its a little over the time limit, but we gut about 3-4 minutes out and had to leave the rest in, well we wanted too. Anyway its our second film on filmfights."

Submitted: February 13th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Cupid: Biography"

by RalFilm

Genre: Open

Don and Murph55
TKD Media52
steve nelson20
Penny Dog Productions5

Cupid: Biography

by RalFilm

For centuries, millions have felt the sting of Cupid's arrows, but few know the man behind the l...

9 reviews
86 votes

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