Sitcom Reinvention / Open
Completed October 30th, 2006
Take a sitcom title. Now forget everything about it. Use the title as a launching pad for a whole new story. A short film. EXAMPLE: "That 70's Show" could become a short film about a bunch of seventy-year-olds

"Not a golf fan. This video is pretty eh. The music is pretty annoying. If you were purposefuly making in cheesy, you guys could have made it look like that more. Idk the multiple cuts were kind of out of place."

Avatar loveislbind2all
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "A golfing instructional video series teamed with bad acting , boring music , and choppy editing. Diff'rent Strokes focuses on everything but the fundamentals of golf. Teddy Jenkinson and William Beasley take you through the strokes."

Submitted: October 18th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Diff'rent Strokes"

by Just Jive

Genre: Open

Just Jive21
A-OK Films21
NNC Productions14

Diff'rent Strokes

by Just Jive

A golfing instructional video series teamed with bad acting , boring music , and choppy editing. ...

4 reviews
21 votes

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Hall Of Fame
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