Sitcom Reinvention / Open
Completed October 30th, 2006
Take a sitcom title. Now forget everything about it. Use the title as a launching pad for a whole new story. A short film. EXAMPLE: "That 70's Show" could become a short film about a bunch of seventy-year-olds

"Teragram films? No... fucking... way... Sweet! It's been forever since youve submited. Haha growing paings. That's pretty funning. It' needs your ass in it though. "

Avatar loveislbind2all
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "Made in under 10 minutes. Made 2 feet from my computer. Made because I love Film Fights so damn much."

Submitted: October 22nd, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Diff'rent Strokes"

by Just Jive

Genre: Open

Just Jive21
A-OK Films21
NNC Productions14

Diff'rent Strokes

by Just Jive

A golfing instructional video series teamed with bad acting , boring music , and choppy editing. ...

4 reviews
21 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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