Money Can't Buy (Blank) / Open
Completed November 23rd, 2009
Fill in the blank for this movie. Money can't buy something, you pick what. (idea submitted by Crock)

"This one makes me wish I hadn't slacked off and actually did a review show for this fight. I've got a new ratings system so I don't gloss over entries that get lost in the crowd. Sound: No complaints here. Maybe a little more ambient noise or music added in postproduction could make the scene come more alive...." read more

Avatar Bryan Fox
Las Vegas
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Description: "A shady deal proves there are some times when money won't do."

Submitted: October 15th, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Time"

by EnvelopeGenerator

Genre: Open

David Seger32
Sometimes Funny10


by EnvelopeGenerator

Realizing the Film Fights deadline is only two days away, our protagonists need to find s'more time.

9 reviews
37 votes

Smack Talk!


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