Money Can't Buy (Blank) / Open
Completed November 23rd, 2009
Fill in the blank for this movie. Money can't buy something, you pick what. (idea submitted by Crock)

"Sound: Not too hard to screw this one up with the "interview" style short. Like Viperfang's movie, it seems like a joke entry. 4/5 Lighting: A little dark up front as if the light is coming from behind him. Maybe have much of the light come from the left or right. That would give a better "interview look". 3..." read more

Avatar Bryan Fox
Las Vegas
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Description: "Two hours of filming and nothing but a writer's block."

Submitted: November 2nd, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Time"

by EnvelopeGenerator

Genre: Open

David Seger32
Sometimes Funny10


by EnvelopeGenerator

Realizing the Film Fights deadline is only two days away, our protagonists need to find s'more time.

9 reviews
37 votes

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