"Why wasn't this in the HWs? Lighting and sound arn't yhe most important things in a film and I think you kept to the time limit. It was really funny guys - lots of the dialogue felt very natural and the whole world peace bit is hilarious! I know it's ages since this fight but I have no idea why you didn't get into..." read more
Description: "Money can't buy everything... or can it?"
Submitted: October 31st, 2009
by EnvelopeGenerator
Realizing the Film Fights deadline is only two days away, our protagonists need to find s'more time.
13,708 views9 reviews37 votes
by Glossy Finish Pictures
A shady deal proves there are some times when money won't do.
2,190 views7 reviews0 votes
That Feeling You Get
Yo you know what this video about, vote for it! UR VIDEO SUX!!!123
2,573 views7 reviews0 votes
by NDI Studios
A man struggles to start a screenplay, but can a simple charge on his credit card solve the problem?
2,410 views7 reviews0 votes
by EnvelopeGenerator
Genre: Open
Group | Votes |
EnvelopeGenerator | 37 |
David Seger | 32 |
Sometimes Funny | 10 |
by EnvelopeGenerator
Realizing the Film Fights deadline is only two days away, our protagonists need to find s'more time.
13,708 views9 reviews37 votes