Money Can't Buy (Blank) / Open
Completed November 23rd, 2009
Fill in the blank for this movie. Money can't buy something, you pick what. (idea submitted by Crock)

"Why wasn't this in the HWs? Lighting and sound arn't yhe most important things in a film and I think you kept to the time limit. It was really funny guys - lots of the dialogue felt very natural and the whole world peace bit is hilarious! I know it's ages since this fight but I have no idea why you didn't get into..." read more

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Description: "Money can't buy everything... or can it?"

Submitted: October 31st, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Time"

by EnvelopeGenerator

Genre: Open

David Seger32
Sometimes Funny10


by EnvelopeGenerator

Realizing the Film Fights deadline is only two days away, our protagonists need to find s'more time.

9 reviews
37 votes

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