Halloween Haiku - Pumpkin Theme / Haiku
Completed November 10th, 2013
First shot of your video haiku must have a pumpkin somewhere in the scene. Final shot must show a smashed pumpkin. What the heck happened to that pumpkin? Examples of Haiku fights http://bit.ly/s34Fmc

"The dialogue was a little confusing "I know what you should be this year... never mind..." not exactly sure what the character is talking about. There isn't any emotion when the pumpkin falls off the characters face. The audio is overdubbed and doesn't match the mouth at all. The effects were cool just have to bui..." read more

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "Richard just wants to make something cool, but Richard won't let him?!?"

Submitted: October 28th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Pumkin Smasher"

by Who writes this stuff?

Genre: Haiku

Who writes this stuff?19
The Phantom Monk15
Number 3 Productions6

The Pumkin Smasher

by Who writes this stuff?

A night in the life of an avid pumpkin smasher.

5 reviews
19 votes

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