Halloween Haiku - Pumpkin Theme / Haiku
Completed November 10th, 2013
First shot of your video haiku must have a pumpkin somewhere in the scene. Final shot must show a smashed pumpkin. What the heck happened to that pumpkin? Examples of Haiku fights http://bit.ly/s34Fmc

"A nasty way to die ;) I liked this. I thought the voice, sound effects and lighting were really well done - however maybe the sound of a pumpkin smashing or something may have been cool in the transition between shot two and the final shot. :)"

Avatar WillsAnimatedVisions
Surrey, England
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Description: "Mr. Pumpkin's last minutes before his untimely death. We just never see the "Trick" in "Trick or Treat" do we?"

Submitted: October 31st, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Pumkin Smasher"

by Who writes this stuff?

Genre: Haiku

Who writes this stuff?19
The Phantom Monk15
Number 3 Productions6

The Pumkin Smasher

by Who writes this stuff?

A night in the life of an avid pumpkin smasher.

5 reviews
19 votes

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