Nobody Move! / Any
Completed January 22nd, 2017
The first line of your film is 'Nobody move!'. After which, no one moves for the rest of your short. Is it a bank robbery and everyone is frozen in terror? or something else? You decide!

"The challenge was to have someone yell "Nobody Move" and then what happens after in your short. This was the mannequin challenge, which is not what the fight was intended. Make sure to read the contest rules when submitting."

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "Playing soccer on the basketball courts"

Submitted: December 14th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Self-Preservation"

by America\'s Front Porch

Genre: Any

America's Front Porch19


by America\'s Front Porch

A dangerous situation is brought to a halt.

4 reviews
19 votes

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