Nobody Move! / Any
Completed January 22nd, 2017
The first line of your film is 'Nobody move!'. After which, no one moves for the rest of your short. Is it a bank robbery and everyone is frozen in terror? or something else? You decide!

"Oh man! GREAT opening shots! Could have used a sound effect at 0:25 for the lock on the door. I found it distracting that there's some nasty background hiss when they say "Nobody Move!" at 0:26 - something you could have ADR'ed. Otherwise the sound is solid. Adding some additional music stings would have been nice..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "A heist gets interrupted. "

Submitted: January 8th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Self-Preservation"

by America\'s Front Porch

Genre: Any

America's Front Porch19


by America\'s Front Porch

A dangerous situation is brought to a halt.

4 reviews
19 votes

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